
The results you get in life if they are not pleasing to you, can shake you up, right? It took me a long time to get this. I lived for a long time in victim mode that I truly believed that others were doing this to me and I had no control over anything. That’s what I believed!
I was born into a household affected by a parent who was mentally ill, I seen the effects of alcoholism, I was surrounded by severe mental illness and mental, physical, emotional abuse. Growing up in this environment led me to develop a very distorted view of the world which led to patterns that had me wanting to take my life four times.
Attracting toxic friendships, living in fear of what might happen next, walking on egg-shells, mirroring the behavior and thoughts of my parents and not always sure how to escape this painful loop of having the same abuse coming into my reality.
I believed what my natural family told me, I was no good, I’d never amount to anything. During these years of abuse, I joined the Forces to get my mother away from my dad. During my Service, I was involved in a very serious military RTA, was badly injured, suffered a violent head and back injury. When I arrived home on leave from the Forces to see if my mother was okay, my dad said “what are you doing back? Why don’t you go back and get yourself shot”. Dark thoughts often engulfed me. My dad caused so much pain and emptiness. In fact, his snide comments drove me further into the dark and created more of the thing I was trying to escape from after I joined the Forces. I was broken and alone, trying to get my mum away from my dad.
I finally got her away, left the Forces, got adopted by family in the States, then came the breakthrough – that changed everything. I found myself not listening to my dad’s words, I had this nudge inside to watch the movie “The Secret”, and was drawn to Bob Proctor and Abraham Hicks. The things they were teachings reached me, sending sending me signals I had been ignoring for a long time. I started to read their material, and I started to connect the dots. This is why people are getting mixed results in their life, I look back now at my life and can connect the dots. Helping me make peace with my family.
My Passion
So if you can resonate with this, if you are struggling, if you feel youve hit a brick wall, and searching for help, your beacon of hope is right here.
I explain how to attract and uplift energy. I’ll help you reconnect with who you are and have you explore what you really want to attract and not what you have convinced yourself what you think you should be tolerating.
My Goals
So if you can resonate with this, if you are struggling, if you feel youve hit a brick wall, and searching for help, your beacon of hope is right here.
I explain how to attract and uplift energy. I’ll help you reconnect with who you are and have you explore what you really want to attract and not what you have convinced yourself what you think you should be tolerating.
You have an awareness of the Law of Attraction and come into alignment with what you want.
You have been doing the work and yet you notice the same paradigms that are not serving you (e.g. spending habits, volatile relationships, over committing…).
You have spent so much of your life people pleasing, and giving your power away to please other people that you lack the confidence and inner power to change your paradigms and build your dreams.
You are bored with life, fed up in the rut you’re in, the same routine is grating your inner being. You want more, you know you deserve more.
You have spent your life looking outside of yourself, seeking approval from others.
You are fed up with nothing working out, fed up of false promises and time-wasting processes. You are ready for some serious action now, to come into alignment with what you want. It’s time. This has now become a MUST.
You can’t keep having the same conversations with yourself, you’re sick of being stuck.
You are looking to click with the right person and Google is only getting you so far.
You feel that the life you want to live is just a pipe dream, it’s always for others, and all the good things that you long to happen you believe only happen to other people and not to you.